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Recent Updates:
Nov 28th We've been on a couple of Channel News Asia's Radio Shows regarding the Matcha Poweder Shortage in Japan.
Nov 21th We have a batcha of Marukyu Koyamaen Matcha powder that came in today! Thank you for waiting
Oct 19th As you may know, Matcha powder has seen a huge surge in global demand recently. Many producers in Japan, including Marukyu Koyamaen, are facing significant supply shortages. Due to these challenges, several retailers in Japan have even stopped selling Marukyu Koyamaen Matcha altogether because they simply can’t get the stock anymore. While we are fortunate to still have some stock coming in, we are also facing limitations in what we can offer going forward. As a result, you might notice that many of our Matcha products are out of stock. We want to be upfront with you about this and seek your understanding during this time.
Oct 16th Increase in prices of our Marukyu Koyamaen products: From October, there has been a huge increase in Matcha prices due to the increase of ingredients and decrease and supply. Unfortunately, this is occuring universally across Japan right now. We've also had to urgently reflect the rates on our Marukyu Koyamaen Matcha powder prices as well. The Increase differs depending on the product, but most would range between 10% - 15% increase. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Oct 1st The Japanese Tea Travelers Program for October features 2 favorites of the program! The Premium Kaga-Bou Houjicha from Ishikawa, and the Kamairi-cha from Ureshino!
Sep 29th Thank you for waiting. We are finally able to re-stock some of the Chasen from Suikaen. These are fantastic Chasen made in Takayama, Japan - and are really hard to obtain these days! Unfortunately, we had to increase the prices by 15% as the cost has increased. We appreciate your understanding.