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Kagoshima-cha: Japan’s top tea with the highest production value, surpassing Shizuoka-cha.
Recognized for its rich flavors and superior quality, it stands among Japan's finest teas.

This article was last modified May 30th, 2024. by Yuki

Introduction to Kagoshima-cha

Kagoshima-cha is the tea produced in Kagoshima Prefecture, the southernmost region of Kyushu, Japan. Traditionally, Ujicha, Shizuoka-cha, and Sayamacha were considered the "3 great teas of Japan." However, due to the significant decline in Sayamacha production, many now regard Kagoshima-cha as one of the top three. Notably, Kagoshima-cha boasts the highest tea production value in Japan, recently surpassing even Shizuoka-cha, and ranks second in production volume, making it a leading tea in the country.

The Characteristics of Kagoshima-cha

Tea plantations exist all over Kagoshima and dominate the country's landscape. One of the characteristics of Kagoshima is its large stretches of flat land. Unlike tea farms in the mountains, the flat land provides long hours of sunlight.


Kagoshima, with its unique geographical features, is home to an active volcano, Sakurajima, which sporadically erupts. This volcanic activity, far from being a threat, actually enhances the quality of the tea. The soil in the vicinity of these volcanic areas boasts superior water drainage, a key factor in the production of high-quality tea.


Kagoshima's tea harvesting periods are a testament to its agricultural diversity. The first harvesting period, known as the Ichibancha, commences as early as the end of March. This early start is made possible by Kagoshima's location in one of Japan's southernmost areas, where the climate remains warm. It's worth noting that this Ichibancha is among the first to be circulated in the Japanese market.


However, the harvesting period stretches until quite late, as it cultivates a diverse makeup of tea tree breeds that grow early and late.

The wide range of tea breeds includes Yabukita, Yutakamidori, Saemidori, Asatsuyu, Okumidori, Kanayamidori, and Yamatomidori.

Many plantations also continue to harvest multiple times, producing Sanbancha and Yonbancha, or tea made from the third and fourth harvesting periods. In the autumn, they will make Akibancha as well.


The Kagoshima-cha is interesting as 70% of the tea is sent to other prefectures as Aracha or crude tea. This statistic indicates that the tea leaves in Kagoshima will be blended with other tea in different areas and sold there.

Yet, in recent years, this has been changing for the better. Kagoshima-cha is now forging its own unique brand, a testament to the region's progressive approach to agriculture. This shift is made possible by Kagoshima-cha's proactive stance in introducing innovative agricultural methods, such as the use of heavy machinery and quality standardizations in their flat tea fields.

The quality and management of the tea are top-notch in Japan. The prefecture has invested heavily in ensuring safety, cleanliness, and trust in the Kagoshima-cha brand.


Since 2003, all Kagoshima-cha plantations must report the names and amounts of pesticides used to produce the tea. Tea purchasers can request this information from the association, which will promptly disclose it. This remarkable system, which brings excellent transparency to the safety of tea, is the first such initiative in Japan.

Other Local Area Brands

As Kagoshima-cha entails all the different types of tea created in the entire Kagoshima prefecture, several famous local area brands also exist.


One of the most famous local brands is Chilan-cha, a renowned brand throughout Japan. It produces some of the highest-quality tea in Japan, winning several awards in the prestigious Japan's Annual National Tea Competition. This area has an exceptional track record for its Kabuse-cha and Fukamushi-Sencha quality. The Kabuse-cha is a high-end tea shaded to enhance the umami and richness while reducing the astringency. The Fukamushi-Sencha is a tea similar to Sencha but is suited for tea grown in vast flat fields such as Kagoshima. The leaves in flat fields tend to harden faster due to their exposure to the sun. The Fukamushi-sencha style helps soften the leaves to extract more umami.


It previously had more local brands – such as the Eicha produced in Ei and the Kawabe-cha made in Kawabe, but those towns were merged with Chilan to become Minami-Kyushu city. In 2017, the brands of Eicha, Kawabe-cha and Chilan-cha were consolidated into Chilan-cha.




Author Yuki


Yuki is the Editor-in-Chief AND Community Manager at Tealife. He bleeds Japanese Tea and loves being a part of the Japanese Tea journey of others. Writes, does events, conducts tasting sessions, drinks, drinks and drinks tea! Easily accessible - hit him up on whatsapp (+65) 85882980.