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Tealife | Drink Green Tea to prevent the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Tealife | Drink Green Tea to prevent the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Posted by Sakae on 2nd May 2020

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is spreading. It's been effecting not just our health, but also our economic and social aspects of life. This is no easy time for anyone.

While we collectively fight the battle against this virus, we should all play our part. Part of it is being responsible in maintaining our own health and personal hygiene. Basic habits such as washing hands, drinking lots of fluid, sleeping well and wearing masks when you have a cough or fever.

Here's one suggestion from us.

Drink green tea to prevent the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Try drinking green tea.

his is not just keeping you hydrated and stopping the virus from accumulating and building in your throat. The Catechin in green tea has known anti-virus effects, and may help fend them off.

Green tea is also a strong immunity booster. Keeping your basic immune system strong is a fundamental strategy in fighting against any kind of disease.

Many cities and prefectures in Japan had officially started to recommend drinking Japanese green tea to prevent Coronavirus infection. Here are some examples - (Sorry the links are in Japanese)

Movements of cities and prefectures recommending green tea

It'll take some time to actually build scientific proof that green tea will have positive effects in the fight against Coronavirus. However, it wouldn't hurt to try now.

In a more recent blog post, we've introduced an actual computational study revealing that the Catechin in the Japanese green tea may be the most effective in treating the corona virus.

This is a powerful article which you should definitely take a look. But more importantly, drink Japanese green tea!

Matcha would be the best choice if you are on a mission to absorb the most Catechin possible. But not necessarily something you can constantly drink several times a day. For that, I'd recommend you go for Sencha or Bancha. Go for the tea which do not go through the roasting process as the EGCG will be broken down during the roasting process. So tea such as the Houjicha, Kamairi-cha, or the Kyobancha may not be as effective as the Matcha, Gyokuro, Sencha or Bancha. Go for the latter.

Stay safe everyone