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To Tea Suppliers (業者の方へ)

We welcome new Japanese tea and related products!

If you are a supplier of Japanese tea or any related tools, and if you would like to sell to the Singapore market, don't hesitate to contact us.

Our mission is to let everyone outside of Japan know the beautiful taste and culture of Japanese tea. As long as we like your tea, and it meets our expected price points for the quality, we'd love to introduce your product to our customers.

Our customers are mostly non-Japanese, having an interest or appreciation of Japanese tea. They come from all over Singapore. Please reach out and help our customers find the tea they like.

Here are some details below.

Criteria for selling your products in Tealife

  • The tea must be Japanese Tea from Japan.
  • Tea tools do not have to be from Japan, but the tools must be related to Japanese Tea.
  • We will check the product for quality and price.
  • We may still carry your product even if we already carry similar products, as long as it fits our website and customers.

Steps to selling your product on Tealife

  • Please contact us through the form
  • We will request for information about your product via email.
  • We would like to actually see (or taste if it's a tea) your product, and evaluate the fit for our store and customers.

Outside of this, we're also open to different types of collaborations.

As an example, our Japanese Tea-Pedia is a rich content source which we plan to continue to grow and establish as the number one resource for information on Japanese Tea. We welcome any content collaboration ideas.

Please don't hesitate to reach out.







  • お茶は日本産のお茶のみとさせていただいております
  • 茶道具については日本産以外も取り扱い可能です。
  • 掲載の前に、商品の質と価格について確認させていただいた上で掲載させていただきます。


  • まずはご連絡ください
  • メールにて、商品の詳細情報をいただきますので、ご準備の方をお願いいたします。
  • 掲載検討に向けては、実際の商品を確認させていただきたいと思います。

