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Japanese Green Tea and Oral Diseases

Oral Diseases are a significant issue in Singapore. Periodontal disease or gum disease is prevalent in the population.

Let's see how scientists view Japanese green tea as a possible solution.

This article was last modified December 11th, 2022. by Yuki

Oral Diseases in Singapore

It was found that 31 percent of Singaporeans aged 60 and above are entirely edentulous or lack teeth.

Not only can oral diseases lead to teeth loss, but they can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases as well. Maintaining oral health is extremely important for maintaining your health and quality of life.

In recent efforts to improve oral care, mouth care agents are commonly used to assist with brushing teeth. However, this also eliminates microorganisms that help oral health and can lead to external bacteria causing infections.

Therefore, selective anti-bacterial oral care, which can maintain essential microorganisms, is required.

Tea Catechins Reduce the Harmful Bacteria in the Mouth

In a human-based experiment conducted on different groups of older adults in Japan, catechin gel was applied to the oral area three times a day for four weeks.

Researchers observed that this reduced the amount of several harmful bacteria in the mouth, such as bacteria associated with plaque, dental caries, purulent inflammation, Oral thrush, and others. [1] [2]

While harmful bacteria have decreased, researchers also observed the bacteria which are essential for the natural health of the oral environment did not reduce.

The catechins in Japanese green tea show that they may achieve selective anti-bacterial oral care and reduce the harmful bacteria in the mouth while guarding the essential ones.

Sencha and Tamaryokucha have High Levels of Tea Catechin

When looking for Japanese Green Tea with high amounts of Catechin, look no further than Sencha and Tamaryokucha.

Out of all the different types of Japanese green tea, Sencha and Tamaryokucha are the closest to the natural form of the tea plant. That is why they possess the highest levels of Catechin.

Infusing the tea at high temperatures will also increase the amount of Catechin extracted. If you want the most Catechins possible, use boiling water to infuse the tea leaves.

Author Yuki


Yuki is the Editor-in-Chief AND Community Manager at Tealife. He bleeds Japanese Tea and loves being a part of the Japanese Tea journey of others. Writes, does events, conducts tasting sessions, drinks, drinks and drinks tea! Easily accessible - hit him up on whatsapp (+65) 85882980.


[1] 田村宗明, 茶ポリフェノールの生理機能と応用展開, シーエムシー出版. 2019. 132-140
[2] 田村宗明ほか:日本歯科学会会誌, 2013. 32, 49-53.